Service and Outreach
Our faith calls us to pay attention and to seek to make this world a more loving and just place for all of us. Throughout the year there are a variety of opportunities to get involved, serve and advocate. The Mission Ministry Team initiates and supports many of the projects, and members also organize around issues that concern them.
Our Ongoing Involvements and Relationships
Common Hope Vision Team, Guatemala: Click Here
For more information about becoming a Fair Trade Church, see our guide: Become a Fair Trade Church
Open and Affirming Activities
Earthwise Activities
Echo Food Shelf
Salvation Army Meals Project
CADA Shoe Project, CADA Organic Garden (Committee Against Domestic Abuse Safe House is located next door to the church)
Habitat for Humanity
Special Offerings
We are a Five For Five Church in the United Church of Christ, and through special offerings support the wider work of the church in global partnerships and ecumenical and interfaith relationships.
Our Church’s Wider Mission
One Great Hour of Sharing
Neighbors in Need
Strengthen the Church
Christmas Fund
Serving our church Community
Many members volunteer at church by serving on a Ministry Team or helping with an activity or event.
Some visit the home-bound and bereaved, some help lead worship or prepare communion, some work with facilities, some greet or usher or serve coffee for Fellowship, some teach or mentor, some manage finances. Indeed, we are one Body and serve through many gifts.